
好色App High School好色App High School


Arts learning plays an important role in helping us understand ourselves. Arts express and celebrate our sense of identity and heritage in our multi-cultural society. Many of the skills and attitudes that are learned in and through the Arts contribute to the other learning areas.

In Arts students learn:

  • to create art works through practice and experience in drama, music and the visual arts
  • to look at, talk about and enjoy all kinds of arts experiences and arts works
  • to develop particular arts skills and techniques
  • how the arts look and feel different from one culture to another
  • about the different histories and traditions of drama, music and the visual arts
  • how the Arts are being changed by new technologies
  • about the Arts industry and the potential career pathways it offers

  • 好色App High School is a Music Focus School (MFS). We have a number of Instrumental Music staff who work in a network of schools, but are based at NHS. Instrumental music is offered to students at all year levels. Being an MFS means that we can continue to grow and develop quality instrumental music instruction and a range of ensemble and performance opportunities for our students.

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